Tasos Katopodis was born in Athens and is from Epirus. He studies music and song at the National music school and is a graduate of the Athens University of Economics and Business. He has been working professionally as a musician for quite a few years and has taken part in artistic programs and concerts. He has made 12 records so far.  He is Vice President of the Singers' Union of Greece, member of the Board of Directors. of the Organization for Collective Management of Singers - Singers SYN.PE "ERATO", member of the Board of Directors of the OSD “Aytodiaxeirisi”,  member of  the Pan-Hellenic Musical Association, the Union of Music Composers of Greece (ex-member of the Board). 
He is a member of the Association of Graduates of Ioneidos School of Piraeus, Vice-President of the club of Epirotes Glyfada '' PINDOS '' and a former elected representative of the Panepistimian Confederation of  Greece. He is the President of the Cultural Society " Peri Aulon kai Organon".  He is a member of the Consultation Committee of the Municipality of Glyfada and has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Municipal Conservatory of Glyfada. He is a honorary Vice-President of PEFA. and President of PEFA Artists.  He served his military service as a reserve artillery officer. Daily and magazine media have  covered his work. Lastly he has been honored several times for his humanitarian and philanthropic action.



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